
I say this all the time, perfect posture is a myth. We all have different bodies, lifestyles. What we all need to do is to move more and what I mean by this is being mindful/aware of the the length of time we are staying passively in one position.

For example, when you are at your desk working, are you the type that once you are engrossed or focused you can sit for hours in the same position without moving? Then you leave work you drive to where ever you have to go etc. You see where I am going? You are in the same position, shoulders rounded, spine rounded, flexed, hip flexors in flexion etc. Now these positions are not particularly bad, but it’s the amount of time we stay “stuck” in those positions.

We have all heard the saying “motion is lotion” and that is so true. We need to move our bodies in every plane of motion, we need to extend our spines, open up the frontline of our bodies, add more twisting or rotation and side to side (lateral) work, move our hips, include more extension work and take care of our joints.

A simple way to add a little more movement to our lives is not only changing our daily sitting and postural habits but I also taking movement breaks. I talk about movement breaks daily, this is adding short bursts of movement/self care through out your day. They can be anywhere from 1-10 minutes daily. Check in with your body, what does it need?

Here is a short movement break video from my instagram page and I have several sprinkled throughout my page, have a look and maybe save and include them to your day.

If you need a reminder, setting a reminder on your phone is a great way to help you get in the habit of changing your position through out the day.

Our bodies are designed to move in a complete 360 degrees. Our bodies are pliable, mobile, strong and resilient.

In life we like variety, similar to our bodies, variety in daily movement is beneficial. 🙂

Hope this helps.

Let me know in the comments if you will be adding these mini routines to your day.

Be well my friends.

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