Making Fitness a Lifestyle

In order to to make fitness a lifestyle or habit find a movement practice you like to do.

If you like to walk, walk. If you like to dance go ahead, dance. Fitness should be fun.

You don’t have to workout for an hour daily or push yourself so hard you are exhausted.

I am here to tell you shorter workouts, 10-30 minutes is just as effective.

Value rest, yes, include rest days in your routine.

I say it all the time, you are your biggest cheerleader. Don’t worry if you miss a workout, just jump right back into it.

Keep going.

Speak to your self with kind words. Yes, it matters.

Remember, Rome was not built in a day, be patient with yourself.

You are not only getting physically strong, but mentally as well.

Remember, moving your body is something you get to do, not something you have to do.

We are all a work in progress.

Be well.