Sunlight, Shadows and Movement

A fun little flow for you today, the freedom and joy of movement.

Be well my friends.

New Series: Quick Tip

These are short, to the point gentle reminders, little nudges.

Hope you enjoy them.

Be well my friends.



Blast your favorite tunes and dance, or jump, move how you like to move. No one is watching but, if someone is, who cares. Release whatever you need to release. If during or at the end you are overcome with emotions, allow it to flow.

Movement is therapeutic. Movement is cathartic. Gift yourself the time to feel.

In today’s connected society, we are bombarded with information, too much at times, this information overload does not allow us to be still, sit with ourselves and just be.

Movement is beneficial for the “physical” but, more so for the mental aspect . This is a form of self-care.

Just my two cents.

Breathe my friends, breathe.

Do the Thing.

Stop second guessing yourself.

Go do the thing, you know, that “thing” you have been wanting to do.

What’s holding you back?

Our minds are powerful, push aside those limiting beliefs.

Taking a risk is scary but remaining frozen in time is worse.

We all have moments of self doubt, uncertainty, this is normal but don’t allow it to hold you hostage. We are all a work in progress.

Believe in yourself.

You got this!

Have a great day!

Time Waits on No One


Time waits on no one and life is busier than ever, but  let us not forget to stop  and appreciate the small things.

This year let us focus more on building and maintaining healthy relationships, self development, being healthy,  finding a form of exercise or movement practice that makes you feel good , laugh more.


Enjoying nature more, going for more walks, having actual conversations with each other, be present and enjoy the moment  when we are with family , learning new things, or revisiting a hobby you once enjoyed.

Enjoy life, eat the cake, take the trip, life is short.

Be well.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

If this past year has taught me anything, it is to slow down. Yes, sometimes we need to pause, take a few breaths, take it all in then move forward.

I know for me personally, I have shifted my mindset around many things but for this post, I am keeping it focused on my movement practice. I definitely used to be a “cardio bunny”. Not so much now, don’t get me wrong, I still love and do cardio, but on a gentler basis. #changeyourperspective

I have been doing a lot more walking and mobility work along with low impact strength training and as always Pilates and my signature classes.

My goal for myself and my clients is focused on Movement for Longevity. Movement that will keep you feeling strong and supported so you will be able to continue doing all the things you like to keep doing for years to come.

Slow down, smell the flowers and keep moving.

Be well.

Five things I do when I am having a bad day

We have all experienced these days at some time or another. I am going to keep this short and sweet.

  1. I go for a walk. Sunshine and fresh air and appreciating the wonders of creation.

2. Turn up the volume and dance. Music will lift your mood.

3. Write it out. Journaling is a great way to work through issues or problems and journaling allows you to be fully present and aware of how you are feeling. Never underestimate the power of the pen.:)

4. Exercise, you knew this would be one of my coping strategies. The saying “movement is medicine” resonates with me and I have proven it to work and lift my mood.

5. I will typically call my mom. You are never too old to need your mom. 🙂

What do you do when you are having a bad day? Please share in the comments.

I am always here cheering you on.

Be well.

How I Prevent Burn Out

Recently I was asked my tips on preventing burn out, so I thought I would include my response here as well.

Burn out is real and it plagues so many of us.

Here are a few of my tips to help prevent it.

1.Proper nutrition. I make sure I feed and nourish my body well.

2. I make sure I make the time to get my workouts in. It can be as easy as going for a walk.

3. Connecting with family and friends.

4. Taking time off. We all need vacation, no matter how much we love what we do, we have to make time for a reset.

5. Proper rest. I make sure I am getting a good nights sleep. I like to take my magnesium at night, it contributes to a great nights rest. The CALM product is good product to help with sleep.

6. I definitely make sure I have recovery days in my schedule.

7. Setting boundaries is another way to prevent /help with burn out. It is OK to say NO at times.

We have to listen to what our mind and body needs. Take care of YOU. Self care is not selfish, it is a necessity.

How do you prevent burn out? Let me know in the comments.

Be well.



Everyone needs a coach, a motivator , a cheerleader, someone to be accountable to. Let me be YOURS!

Each person comes to me with a unique “story” and movement background. No two bodies are alike, and will not be doing the same workout. Each person has different goals and movement patterns, so the workouts are tailored to each person.

I take the time to plan (write out) each and every session for my clients, but, I can also change the routine depending on how your body is feeling that day. Everyday the body asks for different things and it is important to tune in and listen.

My training style is a mind and body experience. You will work in the sessions, but you will also have fun.

Feel free to reach out to me by filling out the consultation on my website. I look forward to working with you.


Q and A

I was asked this question recently : Do you have any advice for anyone who struggles to stay motivated?

Well, to start off I completely understand this, I too have my days as well. But I find what helps me is to schedule my own workouts by adding them to my appointment book. Its easy to allow other things to get in the way, but this is a form of self-care and I am (you are ) worth the time.

Hire a trainer/coach, knowing someone not only carved out the time for you in their day but the trainer is waiting to see at that time.

Another strategy is reminding myself how great I will feel after. Showing up for yourself will allow you to show up for others.

Let me know in the comments the strategies you use to stay motivated.

Remember to breathe.