Sunlight, Shadows and Movement

A fun little flow for you today, the freedom and joy of movement.

Be well my friends.

Five things I do when I am having a bad day

We have all experienced these days at some time or another. I am going to keep this short and sweet.

  1. I go for a walk. Sunshine and fresh air and appreciating the wonders of creation.

2. Turn up the volume and dance. Music will lift your mood.

3. Write it out. Journaling is a great way to work through issues or problems and journaling allows you to be fully present and aware of how you are feeling. Never underestimate the power of the pen.:)

4. Exercise, you knew this would be one of my coping strategies. The saying “movement is medicine” resonates with me and I have proven it to work and lift my mood.

5. I will typically call my mom. You are never too old to need your mom. 🙂

What do you do when you are having a bad day? Please share in the comments.

I am always here cheering you on.

Be well.

Online Group Pilates Class

Feedback from one of my group pilates classes.

If you would like to join to the next class, send me a DM and I will add you to my email list.

Once added to the list you will be notified first before I open to registration to the public.

The classes are smaller in size so I can pay attention to your form.

See you in class .

Virtual Classes

The Ground Up

The ability to kneel or sit on the floor and get back up is one of the best ways to preserve our mobility and predict our overall fitness and longevity.

This simple act may not seem like much but, when you stop and think about it, our ability to be able to control our bodies and the strength it takes to “pick ourselves up” off the floor is priceless.

This is particularly important as we get older. This simple act works every muscle in our bodies and it works our balance, core strength, upper body strength, leg strength, flexibility, coordination, mobility and stability.

I find this movement will also reveal any strength weaknesses we may have.

Along with tailored exercises to help address these weaknesses, the repeated act of moving from the ground up will help to restore the strength.

As babies we learned to crawl before we could walk and the ground helped with that, the ground as resistance.

If this is a challenge for you, start slow and work your way up. Use a sturdy object as support to help you get stronger.

Be well.

Strong and Supported

I am often told by my clients that my teaching style is unique and in the sessions/classes they feel encouraged, strong and capable in doing the exercises. They never feel like they can’t do a particular move or exercise sequence and they always feel better after class.

My goal as an instructor is to “meet” each and every client where they are physically at that given moment.

Every exercise I teach, starts from the “base”, where we start slow and layer on “moves”.

By doing this I am giving each person options in class. I am a firm believer in listening to your body.

Remember, you are strong, your body is amazing and I applaud you all always.

Always cheering you on.

Keep building one another up.

Be kind.

Movement and Mood

I don’t typically share too much personal stuff online but I  wanted to share this.   This morning I woke up feeling off, just not myself.  Not sure if it was anxiety, frustration or overwhelm  or a combination of all three.   At this point I decided to sit, relax and breathe. I allowed myself to feel all the feels.


I made myself a nice breakfast, I ate slowly and acknowledged all  my senses.  I gave myself some grace and about 2 hours later I moved my body in a restorative way.  No crazy exercises just a gentle Pilates flow and it helped a lot.

There have been many studies showing that movement helps to improve moods.  That saying movement heals definitely helped me today.

How has movement helped you?

I will share the flow in a few days on my You Tube channel so you will have it for when you are having one of those days.

Be well.



I always give  modifications in my sessions with clients. There is no shame if you have to  modify exercises/ movement.  We have been conditioned to believe that if we don’t go hard in every session we won’t get the results that we want.

I am here to tell you that modifying an exercise and using a variation that works for you and your body at that moment will actually get you to your results faster.   The reason for this  is because a. you will be using proper form and technique and b. you are not breaking your body down.  Yay, for taking care of our bodies!


The “plus” of this is a.  your workouts will be more enjoyable and  b. you will get the results you want in a safe way.

Modifying exercises is not, I repeat, is not taking the easy way out.  You are trusting and listening to your body. YOU are taking care of YOU.


Be Well.








It Adds Up

I know how busy life gets and sometimes we don’t have an hour or even thirty minutes to squeeze in some movement.    So, here is a short routine you can follow along with on my you tube channel.

Click the link below:

 A 4 Minute Pilates Routine

Let me know if you try it.

Be well.


10 Day Ab Challenge Part 1

Here is an abs circuit to add to your routine for the next 10 days. Perform 1-3 sets. I will post Part 2 in the next few days on my You Tube channel, so you will have to subscribe to my channel so as not to miss it. Leave a comment and let me know if you tried it. Feel free to share.

As always consult your doctor before exercising.